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(Photo credit: Wanda Lau)

Meet Our School Staff

Tamika Bishop

Business Manager

Ms. Bishop runs the front office of J.O. Wilson. 

Talisa Sutton-Stephenson, M.Ed.

Manager, Strategies and Logistics

Ms. Stephenson serves as the Manager for Strategies and Logistics at J.O. Wilson. She manages the operations team (front office and custodians), enrollment, budget and procurement oversight, facilities, security, food & nutrition, logistics and scheduling, custodial/office/technology inventory & supply management, and human resources and is the point-of-contact to DCPS Central Office operational teams (food, warehouse, business ops, etc.), school emergency preparedness and response, and data systems management.  Ms. Sutton-Stephenson any questions related to facilities, modernization, school admissions, waiting lists, enrollment and school absences.

Kristina Johnson

Social Worker

Ms. Johnson serves as the social worker for J.O. Wilson.