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Rendering of the plaza in front of the redesigned school, by Perkins Eastman

Update Dec. 26, 2024: View transportation information, maps and answers to other questions about our swing space move in the FAQ document here.


J.O. Wilson will receive a $91 million renovation and modernization starting during the 2024-25 school year. During construction, the octagon portion of the school will be demolished, the original building on K Street will be gutted and renovated, and a new addition will be constructed including a new gymnasium and performance space. The project will make J.O. Wilson fully ADA accessible and certified as a net-zero energy school. We will also receive new playgrounds, new common spaces and state-of-the-art classrooms and amenities throughout the campus.

During construction, the J.O. community will move to a DCPS swing space less than two miles away at 810 26th Street NE. We are scheduled to move over the holiday break this school year, and to return to a new building for the start of the 2026-2027 school year. Some important dates during the move:

Dec. 20, 2024: The last day for students at our current campus.
Jan. 2-3, 2025: Students will have two days of asynchronous learning at home while teachers and staff unpack in the new space.
Jan. 6, 2025: Students will arrive for their first day at our swing space, and busing from J.O. Wilson will begin.


DCPS runs buses daily from J.O. Wilson to the swing site for morning drop-off, afternoon dismissal and aftercare for families who find it most convenient to continue to take their children to 660 K Street NE (aftercare will still be provided at the swing space). Students will be separated on buses by grade band, with a sibling bus also available. J.O. Wilson staff will be on-hand to help students board and exit the bus, and monitors will ride the buses with students. Families who use bus transportation are encouraged to be on time and to use the service consistently. Buses will be on a tight schedule to leave on time, and the bus availability is dependent on our maintaining our ridership over time. 

Bus schedule

Morning buses will DEPART 660 K Street NE
8:10 a.m. (PreK students are encouraged to ride at this time to be accompanied by PreK staff)
8:30 a.m.
Afternoon/evening buses will ARRIVE at 660 K Street NE
3:30 p.m.
5 p.m.
6 p.m.

Swing Space

The DCPS swing space is located among a complex of schools that includes Browne Education Campus, Two Rivers Young and Phelps High School. We will have our own facilities, however, including dedicated playgrounds for PreK and older students, dedicated parking for our teachers and separate drop-off and pick-up zones for J.O. students. The swing space is composed of four long modular buildings with about 10 classrooms each, connected by a covered boardwalk. Each classroom has windows. PreK classrooms include en suite bathrooms. A large, separate structure hosts the cafeteria and gym. Below are photographs of our space:

Construction Project Updates

Dec. 11, 2024: DCPS and Perkins Eastman shared color schemes and interior designs for the new school.

Nov. 20, 2024: DCPS and Perkins Eastman held an initial meeting about potential designs for the new playground.

Oct. 30, 2024: DCPS held a community meeting at J.O. Wilson to share logistics and details about the move. View the presentation here.

Oct. 29, 2024: DCPS and Perkins Eastman shared  final design development plans, including interior and exterior renderings of the new school.

Sept. 3, 2024: DCPS and Perkins Eastman shared updated plans incorporating feedback.

Aug. 2024: DCPS sent a letter to the J.O. Wilson community responding to feedback.

May 28, 2024: The School Improvement Team shared written feedback on the schematic plans.

May 16, 2024: Perkins Eastman presented schematic plans. View that presentation.

Feb. 21, 2024: J.O. School Improvement Team gave feedback on those concepts. View our written comments.

Feb. 12, 2024: Perkins Eastman shared initial concepts with J.O. View that slide presentation.

January 2024: View the results of the PTA's family survey about modernization priorities. 

Other ongoing updates on the project from DCPS can be tracked here.

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